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Here is the link to all 98 songs that I shared in the reviews of SXSW 2020.

SXSW 2020 would have exposed me to bands from Israel, Ecuador, Ireland, Scotland, France, Canada, Germany, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, England, USA, Iceland, Japan, Austria, Chile, Denmark, Spain, Wales and China. That is twenty different countries - easy to see why it was the first major event to be cancelled!!! The most represented regions would have been Berlin, Brooklyn, Montreal and little English Towns.

Here is the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7cBpQxhoCosloItlZDCVkO?si=_LLeiMoETHSUe9cm5W0A3w

Also if you like any of these 98 acts, you should download their music, pay them something, buy a vinyl. They all are out of pocket one way or another due to SXSW and the virus too. Especially the ones who had farthest to travel…..

If you made me choose the Top Ten highlights it would have been this ten acts. You should watch the videos and imagine what they would be like in a little bar in Austin….. and the videos are great especially the last three

Cheers, stay safe and good luck..